Comprehensive Project Management Services
From obtaining all necessary permits to the final touches that fully realize your cottage,
residential or commercial ideas, you need a firm with the Project Management experience to make sure
all the pieces fall into place. At Solid Construction Inc, we're exactly that type of company and specific
brand of project management has satisfied many developers just like you.
For us, Project Management has a very precise meaning – being a trusted construction partner that handles every detail of your build and is responsible for its success. While others may try to pass the buck, Solid Construction Inc. understands that you're hiring us to deliver on time results that follow your project's specifications to the tee.
On any project management job, you'll have a single point of contact that will keep you up to date about the progress of the assignment and oversee the entire operation. Our experienced construction superintendent will work closely with all the teams involved to make sure that our goals for efficiency, effectiveness, and quality are all being met.
Don't settle for Project Management companies that shirk responsibility at every chance. Call Solid Construction Inc. at (807) 466-1111 and deal with a firm that's ready to deliver.